Monday, October 22, 2012

Lessons in Reality

Fact. I was NEVER going to have those kids. You know, the ones who talk back to their mom or throw a tantrum in public, or refuse to listen when given instructions. For sure my kids were going to behave ALL OF THE TIME because they were going to have a consistent and regimented mom. They weren't going to have a mom who didn't care and let them walk all over.

Fact. I was NEVER going to be that mom. You know, the mom who buys a small toy to get their child out of the toy store without a fight, or the one who bribes with treats to spur on eating. Oh, and I was NEVER going to have to count to 3 because they were going to listen the FIRST time.

Reality. I have done all that is listed above (and more!). Children are not going to do EVERYTHING you ask of them. Children are not robots. They are little sinners! Okay, that is harsh. But, in reality they are individuals, and individuals have their own brains, bodies, and feelings.

I am still navigating this whole mom thing (that's for sure), but I have come to realize that all good moms must have a tool box to pull from. This box should include people, as well as tricks. Don't try to navigate this parenting thing alone or with worn out, ineffective tools. Ask people for advice. Try new things. Being a mom is a minute by minute journey. Do what you need to do to have a happy, healthy home. If that means you turn on a movie to have 20 minutes of down time for you and the kids, then, by all means, do it! Use that time to pray and recharge. You are not a bad mom if you do this, regardless of what experts say. You are merely using your tools.

Happy building!