Monday, November 5, 2012

In God We Trust

As I was rummaging through my wallet to collect change for a $.99 cappuccino from Holiday Gas Station, I came across an unusually shiny dime. Of course it was shiny, it was new! The date read, "2012." Not only did I notice the date, but I noticed something else that I learned about as a young girl. You might just remember learning about this quote on United States currency. It states, "In God We Trust." 

Many thoughts immediately flooded my mind about the upcoming election. We are certainly not a country who is trusting in God! We are far from God in what is deemed as good and right according to God's Word, something we used to seek after. 

My friends in California may or may not be aware, but we are voting on an Amendment to keep marriage between a man and a woman here in Minnesota. Other states that have legalized same-sex marriages have not done so through a vote from the state's citizens. Instead, they have been overturned or ruled by various judges in a court of law. Either way, Minnesota, Maine, Maryland, and Washington will be voting on marriage tomorrow. 

It is scary to think that children are already being taught same-sex marriage in schools of states who have legalized same-sex marriage, regardless of religious, personal, or moral beliefs. I can recall going to school and having others opt out of school field trips, projects, and the like, for their religious beliefs. In Massachusetts, a judge ruled that parents of a second grader do not have the right to be notified before any such topics being brought up in their 7 or 8 year old's classroom curriculum. In fact, they were having school wide rallies promoting gay rights. They were told at a judicial level that they had no right to pull their child from school during such activities or to be notified.

People talk about freedoms being taken away by not letting people choose who to marry. I can see that this does limit the freedom of many. However, so many "free Americans" are having freedoms taken away as well! Of course there is the Massachusetts family mentioned above. What about small businesses who are fined or even forced to go against their belief system and give service to any and all who inquire, as in the photographer who turned down a job for a same-sex couple? Or, a popular dating website creator who desired to bring a man and woman together in our new virtual world through online profiling, but was later sued and legally forced to start a dating website for same-sex couples and then another one for bi-sexuals.  Fair? Free? Not so much. The list goes on.

I am not writing this to tell you how to vote. I am merely explaining that it scares me to raise my children in a world that does not allow me to have a voice in what I wish to teach them and what I wish for them to learn and when. "In God We Trust," is the statement I will hold on to for this election. There is no doubt in my mind that God does not have the power to change every ballot cast tomorrow to be just how He wants it. So, I will trust the outcome. Not because it will reflect God's Word, but because even if it does go against His Word and what many Christ Followers wish, He is good and He has the whole world in His hands. I will trust in Him for my future, not some Amendment or politician. 

Psalm 32:10 says, "Many are the sorrows of the wicked,

    but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord."

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