Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Yes, it has been too long since I last shared what was on my mind and heart. Alas, that time has come to an end. Whether or not I keep up with this blog, it was time to update for my own good.

Last week we moved from Maple Plain, MN, our home away from home. I am still processing the goodbyes, and like many, hope for future visits and, therefore, no formal goodbye. I imagine the weather turning cooler and the leaves changing colors. The many faces and memories that come to mind are too numerous to count.

I now stand in my kitchen typing my thoughts as my sweet 20 month old plays quietly with his "choo-choos" awaiting his brother to awake from his afternoon rest. Dinner is going and a sense of contentment fills over me. I look around our new home and see all of the beauty that fills this place. I am not referencing our things or the building itself. No, something much more beautiful. Instead I am soaking in the generosity of my family and their selflessness to give up a weekend, costs involved in traveling, and their physical, emotional, and mental selves as they helped us get settled in. 

It will take some time to adjust, but I am thankful for a new day and a new season. Too many people find themselves not wanting another day, or stuck in the same season of life for longer than planned. It has been over 2 months since I last took a pill to determine my mood. I was amazed at how easily time passes, and how easy it is to do something out of routine instead of out of necessity. Regardless, it was time to make a decision to go on with life and see how my body can adjust now that I am well past the initial afterbirth hormones and blues I found myself in. It has not been an simple task. In fact, my husband and mom can attest to the many mood swings I underwent while my body found it's "norm" the days following my completion of my anti-depressants. One day at a time is how I am living life, and I am feeling great 2 plus months later!

I will have plenty more to share in the days ahead. My husband has taken on a roll as a senior pastor in North Salinas. So, in turn that makes me a senior pastor's wife. What!? I am only 28 and have a lot of growing up to do still. God is not through with me yet. I am anxious to see how He continues to mold me and use me in this world.